Our Blog

Is It Time for a Second Opinion?

Is It Time for a Second Opinion?

You've just left your doctor's office, and the news isn’t great. Or it’s not so bad, but you’re not sure. You feel unsettled, confused -- maybe even like you disagree with the doctor. But she’s a doctor. She knows what she’s talking about. Right? While you could take...

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What to Expect When You Go For Allergy Testing

What to Expect When You Go For Allergy Testing

For some people, allergies are a manageable nuisance. You take a daily over-the-counter drug and go about your business.  But for others, allergies can take a huge toll, impacting everything from day-to-day activities to overall quality of life. You might...

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4 Ways to Protect Your Child’s Mental Health

4 Ways to Protect Your Child’s Mental Health

You want your kids to be healthy and happy, but mental health problems can derail those goals. While you may not be able to protect your kids entirely from anxiety and depression, there are steps you can take to guard your kids' minds.  First things first, learn...

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The Best Herbal Teas for Whatever Ails You

The Best Herbal Teas for Whatever Ails You

When maladies strike, you might find relief on a grocery store shelf, and we’re not just talking about the pharmacy aisles. Many varieties of herbal tea are praised for their healing properties. Whether you have an upset tummy, a scratchy throat or a pounding head, a...

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5 Great Reasons to Let Your Kids Get Muddy

5 Great Reasons to Let Your Kids Get Muddy

It seems like kids and dirt just go together. Dirt piles and mud puddles beckon children to come and play. Before you know it, they end up covered head to toe in dirt.  And as you stain-treat shirts and mop muddy footprints, you might wonder what you were...

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How Cold Is Too Cold to Go Swimming?

How Cold Is Too Cold to Go Swimming?

Spring has arrived! And while the weather is in flux in many parts of the country, in some places it can feel downright balmy. As the temperature creeps ever upward, you might be tempted to go for a swim. One sunny day doesn't justify a jump in the lake, though. ...

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There’s More Than One Kind of IBS

There’s More Than One Kind of IBS

Your guts are a mess and your bathroom habits are out of whack. Could it be irritable bowel syndrome, aka IBS? Maybe. Lots of people suffer from IBS. And your recent influx of tummy troubles and less-than-pleasant bathroom trips could be signs pointing to an obvious...

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What is Public Health, Anyway?

What is Public Health, Anyway?

It’s National Public Health Week! Did you forget? Or maybe you didn’t realize that it’s a thing. That’s okay. Public health doesn’t usually grab headlines on a day-to-day basis. That said, it’s an important field full of people doing good work. Over the last year in...

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