Lung cancer is a deadly disease. In fact, it’s the number one cancer killer of both men and women, accounting for about a quarter of all cancer deaths. According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer kills more people than colon, breast and prostate cancers...
Our Blog
Holiday Safety Tips in 2020
The holidays are fast approaching. Before you know it, you’ll be feverishly wrapping gifts and celebrating with the people you love. But before that happens, you’ll need to plan what the holiday season will look like for you this year. With COVID-19 cases on the rise...
13 Healthy(ish) Halloween Treats You Can Make at Home
Candy reigns supreme on Halloween, and a few sweet treats throughout the day probably won’t do much lasting damage for most people. But if you’re trying to supplement the all-day sugarfest with some much-needed nutrients, you’re in luck. There are lots of ways to get...
4 Signs You’re Heading for Emotional Overload (& What to Do About It)
When your brain’s on overload, your body might be the first to tell you. Persistent headaches or a touchy stomach could be your body's way of shouting that it's time to slow down and regroup. Humans are complex creatures. Emotional unrest can express itself as...
Do You Really Need a Mammogram Every Year?
October means more than changing leaves, pumpkin spice and spooky door decor. Each year, store shelves fill with products sporting tiny pink ribbons in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month -- and for good reason. Aside from skin cancer, breast cancer is the...
Why a Flu Shot Is So Important This Season
Who should get a flu shot? Everyone! Well, just about, anyway. The annual flu vaccine protects your health and the wellbeing of those around you. This year, flu shots may be even more critical than usual, so it's important for everybody to get on board. Common Myths...
Is Coffee Good For You? That Depends
Like many Americans, you may start every morning with a steaming cup of joe. In the back of your mind, though, you might be wondering how healthy this habit is. It turns out that coffee is a complicated brew. In addition to caffeine, this drink's most well-known...
How to Freshen Up Your Home for Fall
It’s officially fall! And while pumpkin spice everything has been lining store shelves for weeks, you’ve now got the calendar on your side to indulge in all the cozy comforts of the season. Before you curl up with a cup of tea and a good book, though, maybe give your...
Educate Yourself: Free & Low-Cost Resources for Adults
This year has seen schools across the country turn to virtual classrooms over physical ones, for obvious reasons. Distance learning helps keep people safe. But school isn’t just for kids. If you’ve had time to rethink your priorities and reevaluate your...
4 Good Reasons to Eat More Chocolate
Tempted to dig into your chocolate stash after a stressful meeting or not-so-civil discussion with your spouse? Science is on your side -- maybe. Research consistently shows some possible health benefits of eating chocolate. And while those benefits aren’t...