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Senate Releases BCRA Amendments

Senate Releases BCRA Amendments

The Senate released proposed amendments to their version of the healthcare bill, Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), on July 13th. These amendments were supposed to incorporate concepts and ideals requested by all sides of Republican Senators. The amendments to the...

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Dry Drowning: What You Need to Know

Dry Drowning: What You Need to Know

In the heat of summer, jumping into a pool, lake or ocean offers a refreshing break from the norm. You’re probably aware of the dangers of drowning, but a lesser-known danger can occur minutes or even hours after exiting the water. There are two types of drowning that...

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Beat the Heat: Stay Cool to Protect Your Health

Beat the Heat: Stay Cool to Protect Your Health

The summer sun can be a treat, especially after a long winter. It makes for warm, relaxing days by the beach and pool. But there are days when you have to be outside in the sun and can't cool down in the water. Whether you're exercising or working outdoors, the sun...

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Insects Summer Safety Guide

Insects Summer Safety Guide

While you may wait all year for summer to roll around, one aspect of the season that no one looks forward to is the massive increase in insects. Whether you’ve been bitten or stung by a mosquito, bee, wasp, tick, flea, mite or ant, the itching and burning sensation...

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