Americans who take part in Obamacare may see higher rates in 2017. Several sources are reporting double-digit premium hikes, leading to questions of how these substantial price increases will impact consumers and the health care system as a whole. In an interview with...
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Do Americans like or dislike their Obamacare plan?
A recent Kaiser study found that most marketplace enrollees like their health insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act, but many have grown dissatisfied with the costs since 2014. The ACA heads into its fourth year for enrollment in 2016. Over the past three...
Why You Are Still Taking Ineffective Antibiotics
Leading Researcher From CDC and Prevention Says 1 in 3 Prescriptions Ineffective Dr. Katherine Fleming-Dutra, a pediatrician and epidemiologist with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that despite efforts being made to inform the public on the...
Pasta With Prosciutto And Peas
In the spring or summer time people sometimes don’t think of pasta on a warm balmy day, but for pasta lovers everywhere this light spring recipe will put the pasta back on the plate where you want it. It’s fresh, light, and tasty and it cooks up in just minutes … so...
Tried And True Methods For Losing Baby Weight Gained From Pregnancy
Introduction Your bundle of joy has arrived and now that your life is beginning to return to some semblance of normal, short of the sleep deprivation, most new moms are wondering about how they are going to get their bodies back into their pre-pregnancy state. Even...
Tricorder Type Device To Take Health and Fitness Monitoring To A New Frontier
Research on a new device called the “Chem-Phys patch” which is capable of monitoring levels of electrical heart activity and lactate in real time, lactate indicates amounts of physical activity, is promising new technology that could be utilized for athletic and...
Think You Are Too Young To Have A Heart Attack – Think Again
Sometimes people think that heart trouble only happens to “older” people and that if they’re relatively young (fifty and under) they aren’t at risk for a heart attack, but they would be wrong. Though statistically heart attacks or fatal coronary disease does strike...
The Weighty Truth About Eating Out
For those of us who love dining out, but still want to watch our caloric intake and select restaurants with menus that purport to accommodate our health conscious choices the truth is about to hit the fan, oops I mean pan! A new study in the Journal of the American...
The Pro’s And Con’s Of Smart Phone Apps For Detecting Skin Cancer
Technology is taking an ever increasing role in the management of health care today, and while in many ways the impact is of a positive nature there are some areas of concern that it could also have detrimental effects on patient outcomes. A prime example of where...
Processed Foods Containing Fructose When Pregnant Is Bad News For You and Baby
What Is Fructose Diabetes has been termed an epidemic in the United States and other countries worldwide; the consumption of too much fructose has been linked to obesity and diabetes. But according to a new study that was published in the journal Scientific Reports...