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CDC Report: Overall uninsured rate now below 10 percent

CDC Report: Overall uninsured rate now below 10 percent

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) study, the first three months of 2015 saw a total of 29 million (9.2.percent) uninsured people of all ages nationwide . This represents 7 million fewer...

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Tips on How to Get the Most Out of Obamacare

Comparing Plans is Essential Whether you have already enrolled in the ACA’s online exchange, have never signed up for open enrollment, or need to shop for coverage because you no longer have employer supplied coverage, it is during the in-between open enrollment...

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You Aren’t Just What You Eat

People today are making big changes in their eating and exercise regimens in order to live a healthier lifestyle and improve their physical and emotional well being. But you shouldn’t stop there, maintaining a healthy home environment is just as important as your diet...

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