When the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted, one big complaint was that doctors would face a nationwide avalanche of newly insured patients. But new research suggests that not only has this not occurred, but patient visits have actually slightly decreased. As...
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FDA Warns Three Tobacco Manufacturers About Making False Claims About “Healthier” Cigarettes
What People Trying to Quit Smoking Need to Know About “Healthier” Cigarettes Anyone who has ever become addicted to smoking cigarettes knows just how hard it is to quit smoking, research says it is more difficult to quit smoking than it is to kick heroin. And as the...
So Much More Than a Facial Mask, Avocado is the New Superfood (With Recipes)
From Dr. Oz to Dr. Weil, health care experts and dietitians all over the world are touting the health benefits and importance of incorporating avocado into your daily meal plans. Avocados, also known as butter fruit is grown in the warm southern climates of Mexico and...
CDC Report: Overall uninsured rate now below 10 percent
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) study, the first three months of 2015 saw a total of 29 million (9.2.percent) uninsured people of all ages nationwide . This represents 7 million fewer...
Just announced: Health law sign-ups pushing higher; nearly 1 million used “special enrollment periods”
Due to the availability of the special enrollment period (SEP), almost one million Americans have enrolled for health insurance coverage through the government exchanges. Research shows that for the most recent SEP, which ran from Feb. 23 through June 30, 2015, an...
Tips on How to Get the Most Out of Obamacare
Comparing Plans is Essential Whether you have already enrolled in the ACA’s online exchange, have never signed up for open enrollment, or need to shop for coverage because you no longer have employer supplied coverage, it is during the in-between open enrollment...
Super Antibacterial Element Copper Is Resurfacing In Hospitals
Copper’s Antimicrobial Properties Used Since the Ancient Egyptians The medical community is well aware of the fact that the antibacterial properties of copper have been utilized for centuries. The ancient Egyptians used copper to sterilize their drinking water and...
Why Seniors Without Heart Disease Are Being Prescribed Statin Drugs?
What Are Statins? Statins are a particular class of drugs that doctors typically prescribe to treat patients who have high cholesterol levels, which can be a contributing factor to heart attack and stroke. Patients whose cholesterol level exceeds the normal range...
Is Your Company’s Wellness Plan Protecting Your HIPPA Privacy Rights?
As a part of the ACA’s initiatives to drive down the cost of healthcare, wellness programs are being initiated in large and small companies all across America. In theory the concept of the wellness programs sound great on the surface, often offering employees who sign...
You Aren’t Just What You Eat
People today are making big changes in their eating and exercise regimens in order to live a healthier lifestyle and improve their physical and emotional well being. But you shouldn’t stop there, maintaining a healthy home environment is just as important as your diet...