The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid announced late evening on December 15th that the deadline to enroll in coverage that would start on January 1st is now extended for most states to December 17th.
If you live in one of the below states, which uses the Federal Marketplace, you will have until December 17th at 11:59 p.m. PST to shop and enroll in a health insurance plan.
If you live in a state that runs its own state exchange, you may also have an extension to the deadline to enroll in a plan that will go into effect on January 1st. The states with deadline extensions and their new deadlines are:
- Massachusetts – New deadline is December 23rd for January 1st start date
- Rhode Island – New deadline is December 23rd for January 1st start date
- Washington State – New deadline is December 23rd for January 1st start date
- Minnesota – New deadline is December 23rd for a January 1st start date
- Colorado – If you started an application for health insurance by December 15th but were unable to finish, the State Exchange will work with you to get you enrolled for a January 1st start date. Also, if you were going to enroll in Colorado HealthOp, Access Health Colorado and some Rocky Mountain Health Plans, the new deadline is December 31st for a January 1st start date
- Tennessee – consumers who had Community Health Alliance health insurance in 2015 will have until December 31st to enroll in a new health plan with a January 1st start date
- New York – New deadline is December 19th for a January 1st start date
- Maryland – New deadline is December 18th for a January 1st start date if consumer started application by December 15th
- California – New deadline is December 17th for a January 1st start date
There are also certain carriers that are giving extensions to enroll in plans that will start on January 1st in addition to the few listed above. Those carriers and their new deadlines are:
- Anthem in NV, IN, KY, GA, CT, NH, ME, VA, OH, MO, CO: New deadline is December 31st
- Hallmark HCSC: New deadline for Off Exchange plans (no subsidy) is December 17th
- Humana: New deadline for Off Exchange plans (no subsidy) is December 17th
- Sharp: New deadline for Off Exchange plans (no subsidy) is December 17th
For those who are feeling grateful for the extra 48-hours to enroll in a new health insurance plan that will start on January 1st can thank the flood of millions of Americans who either needed new insurance or were ready to shop and switch to a better plan, because it caused long wait lines with both the Federal Marketplace and the states exchanges, which prompted the Government to give us all more time.