A recent study of women conducted by researchers from Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital concluded that the lack of sleep in women may result in a “gateway to kidney disease.” The study which was conducted by researchers from Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital...
Our Blog
The Alarming Rate of Americans Who Are Pre Diabetic
Will You Be One of the Two Out of Every Five Americans With Diabetes? Diabetes and prediabetes is a scourge on the U.S. today, and the present numbers are pretty scary. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) it is estimated that there are 86 million...
What You Should Avoid Consuming During Pregnancy?
During pregnancy there may be certain smells or foods that you just can’t seem to tolerate that may have been a part of your diet prior to pregnancy, this is not uncommon. But having a temporary aversion to certain foods or smells is one thing, but there are certain...
Suggestions on How You Can Successfully Live With Adult ADD
Living With ADD Can Be Well Managed Living with ADD can be a daily struggle just to complete everyday normal responsibilities and tasks. It can often cause havoc in your personal and professional life. But, life gets much better if you know how to manage your day in...
When Hospitals Err, Who Pays For Their Medical Mistakes?
Most people avoid being hospitalized like the plague and rightfully so, medical mistakes in hospitals is the leading cause of death in the United States each year. According to the Health Grades Report, there were over 40,000 incidences of medical harm or death every...
Seniors More at Risk for Misdiagnosis & Medical Errors
Non Profit Institute of Medicine Panel Says Change is Urgently Needed A series of reports dating back from 2000 to September of 2015, from the prestigious panel at the Institute of Medicine (IOM) has been drawing attention to the serious under reporting of...
New Study on Brain Stimulation as a Weight Loss Treatment Shows Promise
A small weight loss study conducted by the U.S. National Institutes of Health has been studying the effects of using electrical stimulation of the brain as an intervention treatment for obesity. The study monitored the eating behaviors of study participants after...
Tips On How To Make Your Flight Fly By and Maybe Even Enjoy It
Whether you're taking a three hour flight or a trans continental one, flying can either be a horrible bore and uncomfortable, or you can make the most of it, enjoy it and even be productive too! But in order for it to be the latter you'll probably need to do at least...
New budget deal offers valuable benefits for retired, disabled Americans
For the nation's 54 million Medicare beneficiaries, 2016 should see some very positive financial news. Thanks to the recent bipartisan budget deal passing in the U.S. House of Representatives, enrollees may avoid a proposed 52 percent increase in Medicare Part B...
Health Mistakes Men Make That Can Be Deadly
Do You See Yourself Here? When it comes to their health men are still generations behind. Be tough, be a man, ignore the pain and it will go away seems to be the strategy. And while men may have gotten to the place where they know its okay to cry, they still have to...