According to the governments latest figures there will be a spike in some of the most popular health plans sold through the federal insurance exchange, an increase of nearly four times what it rose last year. Plans this year will rise an average of 7.5 percent on the...
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Obama Reaches Out to 18 to 34 Year Old “Young Invincibles” & Other Uninsured
Ad Campaign To Better Explain Subsidies To Uninsured As the third open enrollment period is about to begin on Nov. 1, this past week Sylvia Matthews Burwell of the Obama administration announced that it would begin a nationwide grassroots campaign, including...
Healthcare Law Prompting Hospitals to Let the Patients Sleep
If you have ever stayed in hospital for more than one night you likely know what people often say after they’ve come home, “Thank goodness I’m home, now I can get some rest!” The constant barrage of nighttime interruptions often leaves patients exhausted from lack of...
The ACA Aims at Hospital Readmission Rates
The Intended Goal At it’s inception the Affordable Care Act took aim at hospital readmissions, it was and is a significant focal point of the ACA in an effort to ideally better spend health care dollars, improve the quality of care delivered to patients while in...
Before the ACA, 1 in 7 people were denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions. Today: none.
With the establishment of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), consumers could no longer be denied health coverage due to pre-existing conditions. A 2010 Congressional investigation found that the four biggest for-profit health insurers -- Aetna, Humana, UnitedHealth Group...
Obamacare Available to Native Americans
Are You Native American? Did You Know Obamacare is Available To You? The Obama administration is trying to reach out to Native Americans to let them know that they too are covered under the new healthcare law. It is believed that most Native Americans are unaware that...
Under Obamacare, doctors’ revenue up, patient numbers down
When the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted, one big complaint was that doctors would face a nationwide avalanche of newly insured patients. But new research suggests that not only has this not occurred, but patient visits have actually slightly decreased. As...
Tips on How to Get the Most Out of Obamacare
Comparing Plans is Essential Whether you have already enrolled in the ACA’s online exchange, have never signed up for open enrollment, or need to shop for coverage because you no longer have employer supplied coverage, it is during the in-between open enrollment...
Is Dental and Vision Included With Obamacare?
The Affordable Care Act requires most Americans to have health insurance or pay a penalty fee, but you might wonder whether health insurance extends to products like dental and vision coverage. Under the new law, major medical insurance includes coverage for things...
The Impact of the ACA on Self-Employed People
In 2014, CareerBuilder released a report estimating that there were about 10 million self-employed workers in the United States, which represents 6.6 percent of all jobs nationwide. Though that number is down from previous estimates, the total tally of self-employed...