Our Blog

Dieting Can Become a Thing of Your Past

Over the past fifty years or so America’s obsession with weight loss has steadily grown, and sadly so has American waistlines. As of 2006 Americans had made diet and weight-loss products a $35 billion dollar a year industry, according to CBS News correspondent Sharyn...

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The Wonders of Coconut Oil

The Wonders of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is making big news these days, it has recently been classified as a “superfood” but the incredible benefits of coconut oil don’t stop there, coconut oil has so many more wonderful properties and uses. Although a long list could be produced of the many uses...

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A Closer Look at the Mobile Doctor Business

A Closer Look at the Mobile Doctor Business

How Healthcare Delivery is Changing The face of healthcare is changing in America, somewhat in part due to Affordable Care Act, but the delivery system of healthcare has been inching towards yesteryear for some time now. Yes, I did say yesteryear, do you remember the...

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