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Updated Obamacare Subsidy Numbers for 2015

As of the end of the second open enrollment period under the Affordable Care Act, 87 percent of the people who signed up for health insurance using the federal marketplace at HealthCare.gov qualified for an advance premium tax credit, also called a subsidy, according...

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Medicaid expansion would save a lot of money

Medicaid expansion would save a lot of money

Earlier this month, government officials with the White House Council of Economic Advisers released a report summarizing the benefits of Medicaid expansion, noting in particular the devastating effects of non-expansion in states that have opted out of the Affordable...

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2015 Official Obamacare Numbers

2015 Official Obamacare Numbers

  At the close of the Affordable Care Act's second annual enrollment period in February, government officials looked forward to claiming another victory for proponents of the new healthcare law as 11.7 million people signed up for health insurance or retained...

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2016 Updated Medicare Rates

2016 Updated Medicare Rates

The healthcare system in the United States has changed over the past five years thanks primarily to the Affordable Care Act. Under the ACA, consumers have more rights and protections, and programs like Medicare are being monitored more closely to ensure maximum...

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Obamacare’s Tax Impact is Less Than Expected

Obamacare’s Tax Impact is Less Than Expected

Nearly a month after the close of another tax season, financial analysts and healthcare officials have been crunching the numbers to see how the Affordable Care Act impacted tax season 2015. This was the first year that the ACA affected annual returns. For taxpayers...

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Rand Poll Says 17MM People Insured Under ACA

Proponents of the Affordable Care Act have yet another reason to claim victory at the close of the second enrollment period this year. Since the major provisions of Obamacare went into effect in September 2013, nearly 17 million people have gained health insurance...

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